
Templates in SimpleCloud v3 provide a powerful and flexible way to manage server configurations. Unlike v2's fixed directory structure, templates now use an action-based system that allows for dynamic file management and advanced templating features.

Understanding Templates

Templates consist of actions that are executed on certain triggers. Each action stands for a sorted list of references to other actions and standard behaviours, which are configurable with settings.

Template Triggers

Actions can be specified under each template trigger. These will then be executed in order.

startWill be executed when a new server is created
stopWill be executed when a server is stopped

Template Structure

Templates are defined in YAML files located in /droplets/serverhost-droplet/templates/definitions or its subdirectories. The template id of a YAML file is the name of the file (without extension). Each template defines which actions should be executed on what trigger:

    - default/setup # references the default/setup action
    - ...
    - default/delete # references the default/delete action
    - ...


Each template trigger will create its own context and run in it. This means that actions can also influence each other.


Actions are reusable components for doing something (e.g. copy files from template folder to server). You can reference actions in other actions and in templates. This allows for creating a reusable toolchain, keeping config files minimal and extension of existing configs easy. All actions are located in /droplets/serverhost-droplet/templates/actions or its subdirectories. All actions support placeholder matching like %my-placeholder%.

Action referencing

Actions can be referenced in other actions or in templates. An actions ref name consists of the YAML file name it is located in and the name of the action. For example, an action in utils.yml called init-placeholders will have the ref utils/init-placeholders.

Config structure

An action in config files contains of a sorted list of action objects and references.

Action objects

Action objects consist of the type field, which will set the action type executed, and data that action requires.

  - from: "%libs-dir%"
    to: "%server-dir%/libraries"
    type: "copy"


A reference to another action can be made by setting ref to a action reference.

    - ref: other/my-other-action

Mixed example

- from: "%templates%/cache/%group%"
to: "%server-dir%"
type: "copy"
- ref: cache-pull-libs

- from: "%libs-dir%"
to: "%server-dir%/libraries"
type: "copy"

- ref: cache-push-paper
- ref: cache-push-spigot

- from: "%server-dir%/plugins/.paper-remapped/"
to: "%templates%/cache/%group%/plugins/.paper-remapped"
type: "copy"

- from: "%server-dir%/libraries"
to: "%templates%/cache/%group%/libraries"
type: "copy"
- from: "%server-dir%/versions"
to: "%templates%/cache/%group%/versions"
type: "copy"


Actions support dynamic placeholders, these can also be altered by the placeholder action:

%server-dir%Directory the server will run in
%libs-dir%Directory the (cloud) libraries are located in
%templates%Directory the actual templates folders (like in v2) are located in
%forwarding-secret%The velocity forwarding secret
%running%Directory running servers are located in

Action data

This is a list of all action data forms corresponding to the action type.


This will copy files from a to b

frompathFile or directory used as the source
topathFile or directory used as the destination
replaceboolean (default true)Whether to replace files on copy or not
init-dir-if-missingboolean (default false)Initializes non existing from paths when set to true


This will configure servers using configurators

configuratorstring (configurator id)Configurator to use
dirpathDirectory to use the configurator on


This delete a file or folder on the specified path

pathpathDirectory or file to delete
forceboolean (default true)Whether to force deletion or not


This infers data from the current server into placeholders

fieldstring (configurator id)Field of server object to infer the value from (if starts with $. the servers properties are targeted instead of the server itself)
keystringPlaceholder key to override
lowercaseboolean (default false)Whether to lowercase the value or not


This changes placeholders

keystringPlaceholder key to override
valuestringNew value of said key


mod-idstringModrinth resource ID
game-versionstringThe minecraft version
loaderstringThe server software this resource is for
pathpathThe path to put the download in (either file or directory)
replaceboolean (default true)Whether to override files or not
init-dir-if-missingboolean (default true)Whether to init the target paths dir or not


urlurlURL to download from
pathpathThe path to put the download in (either file or directory)
replaceboolean (default true)Whether to override files or not
init-dir-if-missingboolean (default true)Whether to init the target paths dir or not


pathpathPath to the Directory that shall be compressed
destpathThe path to put the compressed Archive in (Absolute)
formatstring (default zip)Available formats: tar.gz, tar.bz2, zip, tar, 7z
replaceboolean (default false)Whether to replace an existing Archive


pathpathPath to the Archive that shall be decompressed
destpathThe path to put the decompressed Files in (Absolute)
replaceboolean (default false)Whether to replace an existing folder

Best Practices

  1. Template Organization
  • Use clear template naming
  • Leverage referencing to keep files minimal and clean
  • Document actions and references
  1. Path Management
  • Use relative paths when possible
  • Leverage path variables for flexibility
  • Keep consistent directory structure

What's Next?

Here are a few links that might be helpful as you continue to explore SimpleCloud:

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