Notify Plugin

Keep your staff informed about server state changes with real-time notifications using MiniMessage formatting.


Supported Server Softwares

The following table shows all currently supported proxy implementations:

SoftwareThis PluginDependencies

If you would like to add support for a missing server software, feel free to submit a pull request on GitHub.

Quick Setup

  1. Download the plugin for your proxy software
  2. Place it in your proxy template's plugins folder
  3. Start your server once to generate the configuration
  4. Configure using plugins/notify-[velocity/bungeecord]/config.yml

Server State Management

Monitor and notify about crucial server state changes in your network. Configure notifications for different server states and customize who receives them:

  - server-state: STARTING
    permission: 'notify.receive.state-changed.starting'
    message: |-
      <color:#38bdf8><bold>⚡</bold></color> <hover:show_text:'Server Information:
         Group: <server_group>
         State: <server_state>
         Players: <online_players>/<max_players>'>Server <server_group> <server_id></hover> is starting up.

  - server-state: AVAILABLE
    permission: 'notify.receive.state-changed.available'
    message: |-
      <color:#38bdf8><bold>⚡</bold></color> Server <server_group> <server_id> is now available.

  - server-state: STOPPING
    permission: ''  # Empty for no permission requirement
    message: |-
      <color:#38bdf8><bold>⚡</bold></color> Server <server_group> <server_id> is shutting down.

Notification Customization

Time Format Settings

Customize timestamp displays in your notifications by using the SimpleDateFormat pattern used in Java:

date-format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss

Interactive Messages

Create engaging notifications using MiniMessage's rich text features:

  • Hover tooltips with server details
  • Click-to-connect actions
  • Custom color gradients
  • Dynamic server information

Configuration Examples

Basic Network Setup

Essential notifications for small networks:

date-format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss

  - server-state: STARTING
    permission: 'staff.server-state.starting'
    message: '<color:#38bdf8>Server <server_group> <server_id> is starting up.'

  - server-state: STOPPING
    permission: 'staff.server-state.stopping'
    message: '<color:#38bdf8>Server <server_group> <server_id> is shutting down.'

Available Placeholders

<server_group>The group name the server belongs to
<server_id>The numerical id of the server
<server_uuid>The UUID of the server
<server_state>The state of the server after the update
<server_ip>The IP that the server is running on
<server_port>The port that the server is bound to
<online_players>The amount of players currently online
<max_players>The maximum amount of players allowed
<server_update_date>The date of the last server update
<server_create_date>The date of the initial server creation

Permission Reference

notify.receive.state-changed.startingReceive notifications when servers are starting
notify.receive.state-changed.availableReceive notifications when servers become available
notify.receive.state-changed.stoppingReceive notifications when servers are stopping

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