Proxy Essentials Plugin

This Plugin enhances your server network with customizable MOTD (Server Info) & Tablist and Joinstates, offering extensive customization options through simple configuration files. All settings are synchronized across all proxies.


Supported Server Softwares

The following table shows all currently supported proxy implementations:

SoftwareThis Plugin

If you would like to add support for a missing server software, feel free to submit a pull request on GitHub.

Quick Setup

  1. Download the plugin for your proxy software
  2. Place it in your proxy template's plugins folder
  3. Start your proxy server
  4. Start by setting a joinstate for your group (e.g. maintenance for your proxy group)


Server Info

You can use multiple layouts that you can create in the layout/ folder. These layouts allow you to generate multiple messages that can be displayed either statically or rotated randomly. This feature is especially useful for announcements, maintenance notices, or highlighting different aspects of your server. With support for MiniMessage format, you can create visually rich text displays that include gradients, colors, and advanced formatting options.

- <color:#0ea5e9>A network
- ' '
player-info: []
version-name: ''
max-player-display-type: REAL #or DYNAMIC
dynamic-player-range: 1 #Only enabled if max-player-display-type is DYNAMIC

Tablist Header and Footer

Create engaging tablist headers and footers that update automatically. The plugin supports both static and animated content, with configurable update intervals. You can display real-time information like player counts, server status, or custom messages. All text supports MiniMessage formatting for advanced styling.

-   group-or-service: '*'
    -   header:
        - ''
        - <color:#0ea5e9>SimpleCloud v3
        - 'Frame 1'
        - ''
        - ' <color:#ffffff><online_players> players <color:#cbd5e1>are playing on
            your network '
        - <color:#64748b>  sɪᴍᴘʟᴇᴄʟᴏᴜᴅ.ᴀᴘᴘ
        - ''
    #Create another list entry to display multiple tablists in rotation
    -   header:
        - ''
        - <color:#0ea5e9>SimpleCloud v3
        - 'Frame 2'
        - ''
        - ' <color:#ffffff><online_players> players <color:#cbd5e1>are playing on
            your network '
        - <color:#64748b>  sɪᴍᴘʟᴇᴄʟᴏᴜᴅ.ᴀᴘᴘ
        - ''
tab-list-update-time: 1000 #The 1000 is the update interval in milliseconds


Joinstates replace the old maintenance feature and set an entire server group to a state where only players with a specific permission can join. If it’s a proxy, a specific server info layout can also be applied. In this example, we have defined three states:

  • public: All players can join the server group without requiring any permission.
  • closedBeta: Only players with the specified permission can join the server group.
  • maintenance: Only players with the specified permission can join the server group, making it ideal for team members.
#This state is assigned to newly created groups.
default-state: public
-   name: public
    join-permission: '' #Keep it empty to allow everyone to join
    full-join-permission: simplecloud.join.full.public
    motd-layout-by-proxy: public
-   name: closedBeta
    join-permission: simplecloud.join.closedbeta
    full-join-permission: simplecloud.join.full.closedbeta
    motd-layout-by-proxy: closed_beta
-   name: maintenance
    join-permission: simplecloud.join.maintenance
    full-join-permission: simplecloud.join.full.maintenance
    motd-layout-by-proxy: maintenance


/joinstate group <group> <state>Set the joinstate for a group.
/joinstate server <group> <numericalId> <state>Set the joinstate for a server.
/joinstate helpShow the joinstate command help.
/joinstate groupsShow all groups with their joinstates.
/joinstate statesShow all joinstates.


<online_players>YesYesCurrent online players
<max_players>YesYesMaximum network players
<date>YesYesCurrent date
<env:NAME>YesYesShow the value
<server_name>NoYesPlayer's current server
<ping>NoYesPlayer's ping


simplecloud.command.joinstate.*Allows the user to use all joinstate commands.
simplecloud.command.joinstate.helpAllows the user to see the joinstate command help.
simplecloud.command.joinstate.groupsAllows the user to see all groups with their joinstates.
simplecloud.command.joinstate.statesAllows the user to see all joinstates.
simplecloud.command.joinstate.serverAllows the user to set the joinstate for a server. the user to set the joinstate for a group and all servers in the group.

API Integration

The plugin provides events for custom modifications:

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