Server Registration Plugin

The registration plugin updates registered proxy child servers according to the clouds registered servers. If your SimpleCloud installation uses a proxy, you need this plugin to make that proxy work correctly.


Supported proxy versions

A list of all maintained implementations. If you find your proxy in this list it means that your proxy is supported.

Proxy typeServer API availabilityPlugin availabilityOut of the box support
Gate❌ (but its planned)❌ (but its planned)
Other❓ (see available languages)❌ (you can easily get it working by using your own implementation, but only if the server API is available)


The config config.yml File is located in the data folder. These are the available configuration options options:

  # The pattern on how registered server should be named. Available placeholders are:
  #     GROUP_NAME - The name of the servers group
  #     ID - The unique id of the server
  #     NUMERICAL_ID - The numerical id of the server
  serverNamePattern: "%GROUP_NAME%-%NUMERICAL_ID%"

  # A list of all server groups that should never be registered on this proxy
    - "bedwars"
    - "skywars"

  # A list of non cloud servers that should be registered on this proxy, the name field being the display name the server will be registered to.
    - name: "build"
      address: ""
      port: 225555

Own implementation

The registration plugin adds the interface ServerRegisterer, which makes it easy to create your own version of this plugin.

interface ServerRegisterer {
    // Returns all currently registered servers
    fun getRegistered(): List<Server>
    // Is called whenever a new server successfully mounted on the its port, or when a server is reattached (after cloud restart)
    fun register(server: Server)
    // Is called whenever a server is no longer mounted to its port
    fun unregister(server: Server)

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