Proxy Plugin

The Proxy Plugin is a versatile tool designed to enhance your server network's ServerInfo and Tablist features. It offers a range of customization options to tailor these aspects to your specific needs.


Supported proxy versions

A list of all maintained implementations. If you find your proxy in this list it means that your proxy is supported.

Proxy typeProxy Plugin
BungeeCord and forks


This plugin has many features for both Tablist and ServerInfo. Some features are limited to only work for only Tablist or ServerInfo.

Customizable linesTop and bottom line(s) are both customizable
Multi-OptionsMultiple options can be provided for each line, with one randomly selected for display
Customizable PlayerInfo and server versionPlayerInfo and server version details can be personalized according to user preferences
Dynamic maximum player countThe maximum number of players can be updated dynamically and can be configured within a certain range
Support for Adventure MiniMessage formatConfigurations are formatted using Adventure MiniMessage
PlaceholdersPlaceholders are documented here
Customizable update intervalEnables you to change the time between Tablist updates
Animated header and footerThe header and footer can display dynamic animations
Appearance based on server names or groupsEnables the player to have different appearance when playing on different child servers


The plugin is configured via the files motd.yml and tablist.yml. In these files you will find all the options for customizing ServerInfo and Tablist. You can use placeholders as well.


Placeholders can be used in their respective configuration to make the displaying of dynamic properties possible. Some Placeholders are only available for the Tablists configuration.

PlaceholderTablist / tablist.ymlServerInfo / motd.ymlDescription
%ONLINE_PLAYERS%The currently online players
%MAX_PLAYERS%The networks maximum online players
%SERVER_NAME%The server the player is currently on
%CURRENT_TIME%The current time
%CURRENT_DATE%The current date
%PING%The players ping

API usage

The plugin offers an API for enabling interaction with the ServerInfo and Tablist by other plugins. This API is accessible for both BungeeCord/Waterfall and Velocity.

You can utilize either the MotdConfigurationEvent or TablistConfigurationEvent to make updates to the ServerInfo or Tablist. These events encapsulate the configuration object, allowing for modifications.

In the case of the Tablist event, you can customize the header and footer of the Tablist. Velocity is employed in this example.

    public void onTablistConfiguration(TablistConfigurationEvent event) {
        TablistConfiguration TablistConfiguration = event.getTablistConfiguration();
        Component header = TablistConfiguration.getHeader();
        header = header.replaceText(TextReplacementConfig.builder().match("%MY_FUNNY_PLACEHOLDER%").replacement("<red>Test" + 123).build());

        Component footer = TablistConfiguration.getFooter();
        footer = footer.replaceText(TextReplacementConfig.builder().match("%MY_FUNNY_PLACEHOLDER%").replacement("<red>Test" + 123).build());

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